Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Where Are The Girls? 200+ Nigerian Girls Kidnapped From Their School

What would you do if such a kidnapping happened and no one paid attention to it?  Not the media, not the government, not the world community.

The U.S. media and uncounted resources of the U.S. government are focused on the international effort to locate Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 and 200+ valued lives.  Rightly so, yet at the same time no significant or substantive international effort, energy, or resources has been focused on the 200+ Nigerian girls. kidnapped in the light of day from their school during their academic exam time.

Sometimes things or circumstances move us to action, not because they matter more but because they are so egregious we cannot not act.  The kidnapping of 200 Nigerian girls, ages 16-18, from their school during academic exams is one of those "I cannot ignore this" issues.  Yet there has been minimal media coverage of the issue and virtually no international outcry (yet). 

Motivated by a common concern, a group of us -- starting with several of my former NJCU colleagues and alums -- are joining together  to shed greater light on this atrocity and call for international attention to it.  To that end, we have started a FB page called "Where are the girls?  Call to Action to Find the 200 Nigerian Girls Kidnapped from School."

It’s not too late.  We, each of us whether individually or collectively, need to be part of doing something to call attention to this atrocity, to search for these innocent victims and their captors, and – in the long run – to make the world safer for all of our children.  Through this joint effort, we can help make the world a safer place for women, girls, and all of us across the globe.
So, if you are outside Nigeria, perhaps sitting at work in the U.S. or at home anywhere on Facebook or incognito as you travel the earth without leaving footprints, you can take any (or all) of the following easy steps, just a few minutes of your time, to help save these innocent children.

Please stop over, learn more about the issue, do what you can from our sample action list, and then share the page with your FB friends.  We need to use the power at our fingertips to force the light of day to shine on these hidden atrocities.  Stay tuned for more details and further information.

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